Elizabeth de la Paz avatar

Elizabeth de la Paz

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Software Engineer
< Software Engineer || Front End Developer > 👩🏻‍💻

Hi there 👋🏼

I'm Elizabeth de la Paz ​ ​

Typing SVG


🤓 About Me

  • 💡   Exploring new technologies and developing software solutions and quick hacks.
  • 🎓   I graduated in software engineering at the Technological University of Havana "CUJAE".
  • ❤️   I am passionate about Front-end technologies.
  • 🤝🏻   Open for project collaboration.

🛠 Tech Skills

  • 💻   C# | Java | C++ | Python | HTML | CSS | JavaScript | TypeScript | VueJS | NuxtJS | ReactJS | NextJS
  • 💻   .NET framework | ASP.NET Core | MySQL | PostgreSQL | TypeORM | Git | Postman API
  • 🔎   SEO | Digital Marketing
  • ⚙️   Visual Studio Code

📫🤝🏻 Connect with Me

  Connect with me on LinkedIn      Contact Me on Discord

[!IMPORTANT] ✨ From elizabthpazp with love 💜 ✨