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Frank Seguí Camacho

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Software Developer and Data Scientist
Software Developer & Data Scientist

Hi there 👋

I'm a Telecommunication Engineer with a deep love by programming and maths. I specialize in delivering practical solutions to real-world problems. With a focus on data science, I have developed a wide range of projects, including:

  • Developing backends with Django and template systems using HTML, CSS, JavaScript and Bootsrap for web applications.
  • Designing and creating graphical interfaces with Python's Tkinter library that enable efficient analysis of large volumes of data, significantly reducing the time required for manual tasks to mere seconds.
  • Utilizing matplotlib, seaborn and plotly to create insightful data visualizations and constructing dashboards in Excel or using streamlit.

I believe that continuous learning and teaching are essential to personal and professional growth, and I am always eager to learn new technologies and techniques. As a dedicated and motivated individual, I am excited about the opportunity to contribute to a team and tackle challenging problems to drive business success.


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