Weily avatar

Hi there 👋

My name is Weily

I'm a software engineer, currently working at Universidad Tecnológica de La Habana(CUJAE) as a full-stack software engineer. ## Gif ##

Technologies and Tools

C# Java JavaScript TypeScript .Net Spring HTML5 CSS3 Postgres MySQL JWT NPM NodeJS Angular Vue.js Vuetify ESLint Webpack Chart.js SASS Eclipse NetBeans IDE Sublime Text Visual Studio Code Visual Studio Windows Terminal Apache Maven Apache Tomcat Swagger Postman Git GitLab GitHub

Operative Systems

Linux Linux Mint Kali Ubuntu macOS Windows

About me:

  • ⚡ I'm cuban. Born, raised and living in Havana.
  • 🌱 I’m currently learning AWS and Docker
  • 👯 I’m looking to collaborate on any project
  • ⚡ Fun fact: I can't work without music(isn't funny, but is a fact)

You can reach me at:

Telegram LinkedIn Twitter Gmail Protonmail