Ahmed Glez avatar

Ahmed Glez

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Universidad Tecnológica de La Habana - CUJAE
Hi, I'm Ahmed, a university student from Cuba and a dedicated developer specialized in React and Node.js. Constantly learning and expanding my skillset.

![Typing SVG](https://readme-typing-svg.herokuapp.com?color=%2336BCF7&center=true&vCenter=true&width=600&lines=Hi+there+👋,+I+am+Ahmed Gonzalez;+Welcome+to+My+Profile!;Over+4+years+of+programming+experience;Always+learning+new+things+;Web+Developer+and+Blockchain+enthusiast+;Platzi+community+member)

Property Data
Language / IDE Javascript React.js Node.js
Databases MySQL SQL
OS Windows Ubuntu

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📫 How to Reach me:

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